Benjamin ­Hohlmann

Segmentation of the distal femur in ultrasound images

Publication Info

  • Author
    B. Hohlmann
    J. Glanz
    K. Radermacher 
  • Conference
  • Publisher
    De Gruyter
  • Date
  • Link
  • PDF „CURAC 2020“



Ultrasound is a widely used imaging technology that allows for fast diagnosis of a broad range of illnesses and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. However, interpreting ultrasound images remains a challenging task that requires expert knowledge and years of training for each exam. One crucial step for the long-term goal of automatic diagnosis is pixel wise semantic segmentation.


In this work, several state-of-the-art semantic segmentation networks were trained on a new dataset of manually annotated ultrasound images depicting the distal femur.


PSP-Net achieved the best overall performance with an average surface distance error (SDE) of 0.64 mm.


We recommend the PSP-Net architecture for semantic segmentation of bone surfaces.

The average surface distance error (SDE) over epochs on the validation set. U-Net in magenta, HR-Net in gray, HR + OCR in red, MobileNetv2 in teal and PSP-Net in petrol. Non-smoothed values in transparent.